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Sacred Heart's Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics does not presume to provide the answers to all ethical questions faced by the Facilitators, Members and Volunteers (“Staff”) of Sacred Heart.  What it does establish is a set of general ethical standards for our lives and practices.  These standards will help delineate boundaries by which ethical questions can be evaluated.  


This Code of Ethics for Sacred Heart:

  1. Gives declaration to the basic values and standards of the Sanctuary;

  2. Guides decision-making and professional behavior; 

  3. Provides a mechanism for professional accountability; and 

  4. Informs the public as to what they should expect from the Staff of Sacred Heart.


In General:

  1. Staff are grounded in a Shamanic practice and informed by mentorship, education and training. They: 

    • Remain proficient by regularly enhancing professional competence and growing in personal spirituality; and

    • Respect the primacy of conscience in themselves, the plants, and in those they serve. 

  2. They are called to nurture their personal health of mind, body, and spirit, and be responsible for their personal and professional conduct as they grow in their respect for all living beings and the natural environment. 

  3. When Staff behave in a manner that is in alignment with the values of this Code of Ethics, they bring greater integrity, compassion and healing to our world.


Plant Medicines: (including Psilocybin Therapy or Mushroom Ceremony)

  1. Shall maintain a stance of respect and reverence for our plant allies;

  2. Shall not consume or distribute plant material to oneself, Staff or Members without explicit permission of the Shaman or Lead Facilitators and the plant spirit sought to be worked with; 

  3. Shall not remove any plant material from the Sanctuary property, or the ceremony space in the event of a traveling ceremony, without explicit permission of the Shaman or Lead Facilitators; and  

  4. Will be logged upon arrival to the Sanctuary property, stored under lock and key and will only be dispensed by the Shaman or pre-authorized Staff.  



  1. Affirm the dignity and value of each individual; 

  2. Honor all persons as being created in the image and likeness of God;

  3. Respect the right of each faith group to hold to its values and traditions;

  4. Advocate for professional accountability that protects the public; 

  5. Respect the cultural, ethnic, gender, racial, sexual orientation, and religious diversity of other Staff and those served; 

  6. Respect diversity of age, national origin, and physical ability;  and 

  7. Refrain from using their position, influence, knowledge, or spiritual affiliation for unfair advantage or for personal gain. 


Ethical Principles in Relationships between Staff and Members (including clients, family members, etc):

  1. Participation in any ceremony offered at Sacred Heart must be voluntary and based on consent given by each Member while in an ordinary state of consciousness.  Such disclosure will be presented to each Member prior to participating in said ceremony.

    • Disclosure given will discuss any elements of the ceremony that could reasonably be presenting physical or psychological risks; and  

    • Health and Safety before, during and after ceremony will be discussed at length.

  2. Understand that those Members who partake in ceremony may be vulnerable and in a place of great suggestibility.  That vulnerability will be honored and not used with malicious or disrespectful intent; 

  3. Speak and act in ways that honor the dignity and value of every individual;

  4. Provide care that is intended to promote the best interest of all parties and to foster strength, integrity, and healing;

  5. Demonstrate respect for the cultural and religious values of those they serve and refrain from imposing their own values and beliefs on those served;

  6. Are mindful of a perceived imbalance of power in the Staff/Member relationship and refrain from exploitation of that imbalance;

  7. Maintain relationships with Members on a professional basis only;

  8. Avoid or correct any conflicts of interest or appearance of conflicting interest(s);

  9. Refrain from any form of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, or sexual assault in relationships with Members;

  10. Refrain from any form of harassment, coercion, intimidation, or otherwise abusive words or actions in relationships with Members;

  11. Safeguard the confidentiality of Members when using materials for educational purposes or written publication;

  12. Respect the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by Members when communicating with family members or significant others, except when disclosure is required for necessary treatment and granted by client permission, for the safety of any person or when required by law; and

  13. Understand the limits of their individual expertise and make referrals to other professionals when appropriate.


Ethical Principles in Relationships Between Supervisory Staff and Staff in Training or Volunteer Capacity:

  1. Maintain a healthy educational environment free of coercion or intimidation;

  2. Maintain clear boundaries in the areas of self-disclosure, intimacy, and sexuality;

  3. Provide clear expectations regarding responsibilities, work schedules, fees, and payments; and

  4. Provide adequate, timely, and constructive feedback.


Ethical Principles in Advertising:

  1. Sacred Heart and Staff of Sacred Heart shall engage in appropriate informational activities that educate the public about their professional qualifications and individual scopes of practice and must:

    • Represent their competencies, education, training, and experience relevant to their practice of Shamanic care, education, and counseling in an accurate manner;

    • Do not use any professional identification (business cards, letterhead, Internet or telephone directory, etc.) if it is false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive;

    • List and claim as evidence only degrees and certifications that are earned from educational institutions and/or training programs recognized by the certifying organizations;

    • Ascertain that the qualifications of their employees, supervisees, and students are represented in a manner that is not false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive; and

    • Represent themselves as providing specialized services only if they have the appropriate education, training, or supervised experience.

  2. Code of Ethics Guidelines for Prevention and Handling of Violations:

    • Each Staff member within Sacred Heart will be required to read, sign and submit a copy of this Code of Ethics, indicating their understanding and compliance; 

    • Ethical complaints should be submitted in writing to the President and Vice President of Sacred Heart for review and investigation; 

    • Following the investigation, a determination will be made;

    • An appeal will be accepted and considered from the accused party; and

    • A final decision will be made.

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