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About Nadia 

Nadia originally came into Shamanic work to resolve her lifelong depression, Borderline Personality Disorder and addiction.  She was deeply unhappy with life and stuck in an unhealthy place when the plants and ancestors began to call to her.  


As she began walking the Shamanic path, mentors and teachers appeared in both human and spirit form.  She had the great fortune to learn traditional Ayahuasca and Amazon Plant Medicine with a Shipibo Maestro as well as mentor with an Armenian Shaman.  Most of her work, however, was done in solitude as she unraveled her own childhood trauma of sexual abuse and learned to heal it through working with the plant spirits and ancestors who had called her forward.  


In 2019, Nadia was called to relocate to the Pacific Northwest to open the first branch of Sacred Heart Medicine Sanctuary.  Nadia is currently in the process of growing Sacred Heart and hopes to build a physical Sanctuary near Battleground, Washington in the coming years.  She hopes to provide a place where people can deeply explore a personalized Shamanic practice.


Today, Nadia has many names and her work takes many forms.  Sometimes she is a healer, seeing and addressing dis-ease in the physical or energetic body.   At other times, she is a portal, a bridge between worlds that allows people to reconnect with their true self, or the Divine.  She stewards many into the Medicine space, where she creates the ultimate safe and loving container for people to dive into themselves, to unfold and release what is holding them back.  



It is important to note that while she has studied with several traditions that work with Shamanism,  Nadia's work does not follow one tradition, but pieces of many.  She believes that tradition means limitation and that nothing should be done the same way indefinitely.   Just as in life, we are constantly in a state of change and Shamanic Medicine Work is no different, it needs to change with the time and current need of our planet/collective.  What does not change however, is the respect and reverence for working with all forms of Medicine and with the plant spirits.  She believes the best way to practice Shamanism is to connect directly to your higher self, the plants, and the ancestors who want to teach you about their unique set of Shamanic practices.  


Outside of Plant Medicine work, Nadia continues to offer laying of hands, Shamanic counseling, and other Ceremony services.  She has been extensively trained in several energy healing modalities as well as in entity removal, land and space clearing, personality disorder unraveling, and craniosacral therapy.  She really loves to work with veterans, law enforcement, couples seeking to balance the Masculine/Feminine energy in relationships, and those with CPTSD.  You can read more about her 1:1 work at



Nadia's vision


Nadia's vision is much larger than what you have read here on the site.  She hopes to be able to travel with this work, so she can reach pockets of people who are unable to come to Washington to work with her.   She also has her mind and heart set on reforesting land just outside of Vancouver, as the land is asking for this reforestation of old farmland.  She will be providing a community center-style facility, as many churches do, where other healers and practitioners can gather and share their gifts with others.  She also wants to educate those who are interested in Plant Medicine work and share Shamanic teachings with the Community.   Nadia has learned a great deal from Elder Shamans of several backgrounds as well as teachings directly from the plants.  These teachings want to be shared and passed on as the world continues to change and evolve.  Without the previous way of tribal life and community-style living, these teachings are harder to find by the day.


With regard to the long-term plan, Nadia would like to collaborate with mental healthcare providers to address cases of more complex mental illness and addiction recovery through the practice of Shamanism and Ceremony.   She has a strong desire to bridge Western Mental Healthcare with intensive Shamanic healing techniques, Ceremony, psychotropic and non-psychotropic Plant Medicine, and other holistic modalities to support mental health healing in a spiritual (non-clinical) setting. 


As a great man once said, "we gotta do much more than believe if we want to see the world change."   (Dave Matthews) 


Nadia's "Official" Credentials:
Ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church​​​
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Graduate from Central Florida School of Massage Therapy
Bodywork for PTSD Training
Advanced Craniosacral Therapy  Training 
Shadow Work Practitioner Certification
Reiki Master Certification
Animal Reiki Certification
Pranic Healing Certification
Real World Experience:
Working 1:1 with thousands of people in Plant Medicine Ceremony Space
 Volunteering with Ayahuasca Retreat Center with 80+ participants every other weekend
Guidance with Shipibo Maestro on working with Ayahuasca and other spirit plants
Mentorship with an Armenian Shaman 
Advanced training with Core Shamanism 
Lifetimes of self-study and healing
Coordinating and hosting 4-6 donation-based community events every month  since 2018
Just for fun:
Previous volunteer at the Human Society for Southwest Washington - Dog Enrichment & Dog Walking
Actively seeking volunteer opportunities with Hospice patients

Want to Hear what others are saying?

"I felt so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Nadia in a private ceremony. She is truly gifted. Nadia is extremely present, supportive, insightful, spiritual and empathic which helped me break through so many barriers. This was a life changing experience for me and I can't think of anyone else I would have wanted to walk through this experience with. She was with me all the way which helped me go places that I was once afraid to go. And now, going forward I feel like I have a life long mentor. Thank you Nadia!"


- Beth G

"Nadia is a gifted shaman, medicine woman, energy worker, warm and comforting presence. She holds and maintains space like no one else I've met, and I feel so eternally grateful to have met her. My experience with her was exactly what I needed and was incredibly healing and nurturing. She is a wonderful combination of gentleness and strength and I can't wait to continue to work with her. Couldn't recommend her more."


-Nikke S.


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